Monday Map: my suburban childhood

I love cities and consider myself a dedicated urbanist. At the same time, I had an amazing childhood and loved the suburb of Salt Lake where I grew up. The "Old Neighborhood" was full of kids my age, who would get together and play night games almost every summer night. It was safe, and there a million things to explore and do.

View Childhood haunts in a larger map


  1. The old neigborhood missed you when you moved and became a Sandy Crapper. The old neighborhood has some lids to sell you. The old neighborhood longs for your return.

  2. I'm not going to fall for that one again. Did I miss anything?

  3. I had forgotten about Monster in My Pocket. They were huge for a few months in second grade. I never realized they had trading cards.

  4. I have the whole set somewhere. I used to have two. Scott does too, I'm sure.

  5. The Old Neighborhood was talked about so much and had so much mystique when I met Dan that I couldn't wait to go experience it and I can still remember the events that took place on my first visit to the Old Neighborhood.

    I pretty sure it was Christmas Break '95. I remember skating but it was really cold. I know we went to Jeremy Bunkers house, skated that church above Olympus, then skated Olympus, probably ollied that long low gap (probably not that long) and rode down those long stairs. Then ate at the Arbys on 39th. Then Chris Stagg's mom picked us up.

  6. The Old Neighborhood was an amazing place. Thanks for sharing this story Brad - it brought back memories.
